Sunday, June 8, 2014


As I start writing this, countless thoughts are running through my head. Some are funny, some witty,most of them sarcastic and rest , well, rest are just random thoughts. It's really difficult to put thoughts into meaningful writing. But I shall try. These thoughts have actually forced me to let things out of my head and be done with it..So today, my dear readers, bear with me and read through. And as the name of blog suggests, May the force be with you !!

Who's a hero? What's the definition?
According to dear old wikipedia, A hero is a character, who shows courage in the face of danger or adversity and has will to self-sacrifice,which of course is heroism, for greater good. And it applies to both the genders. But for ease of purpose, lets stick to Hero(no gender). I can hear the wall crashing on gender neutralists ;-) Countless poems, ballads, stories, novellas have defined what a hero should be. Our own Ramayana, Mahabharat have many heroes, who have fought for the weak and sacrificed for the greater good. History has many. Starting from freedom fighters, to our modern day soldiers, we have many many heroes. Even Phantom, Mandrake, our very own Nagraj, Super Commando Dhruv count in this list !

And a villain?  A villain is someone who's totally opposite to a hero. As a wikipedia faithful, my duties suggest that I cross check it and it says, it's a character who has negative effect on other characters. Basically the evil guy, doing all sorts of immoral activities, just to get the pleasure out of it. Starting from our very own dangerous duo of Duryodhan and Dusshasan to modern day Hitler, Stalin, reaching till Raka (Of chacha chowdhry fame), Shakal, Mogambo and Gabbar, each of these characters have left an everlasting genre of villainy, on our minds.

But what if, a hero is a villain to some? And a villain is a hero to others? A moral dilemma, ain't it??

Ramayana has Rama turning into a villain, when he questions Sita's purity and eventually banishes her from his kingdom. Othello, kills Desdemona after falling prey to Iago's cunning plans. And there are many...

Morally dubious characters are often shown to have a perennial weakness to the dark side, the greatest being with Darth Vader (Well, it had to come up eventually !!).  I may get into an argument with many fans but to me, Darth Vader has always been a positive character.  A character who starts as a hero (New Trilogy), goes to the dark side after a tumultuous journey and becomes the evil one, and finally ends on a happier note (destruction of death star). I, for some reason, have always found reasons with Darth Vader's decision to become the dark lord. For the same reasons, I have immensely enjoyed the character graph of Lord Voldemort. Unlike Darth, Voldemort is a pure 100% evil guy, with a sadistic mind and cruel temperament. But even, he had his reasons , for becoming the evil one.

A side by side character analysis, of both these will show that, they were exceptional in their fields of work. Their masters were immensely proud of their achievements. Both of them were either wronged or misguided, as the creators would like to put and hence, chose the path of being evil. But what if Voldemort had chosen the right path or Darth had decided against joining the dark side? Would they have been considered as heroes?

We don't know the answer. May be not, may be they would have remained as one of the many wimpy characters of their individual tales. You see, to show a great hero, they need a greater villain. To show a person sacrificing himself for the mass, you need even bigger catastrophic event, hence the villain. A hero needs a villain, period.

I rest my case...

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